my friend called this "the oily cafe" around the corner
but it't nice
Exactly ten years ago
in the southern hemisphere
this self momento lies in one's own memory
and the body momeory of such sensation
the softness of early morning sunlight casting on all the bodies
such beauty has never been experienced before
while walking along the bridge
it felt like a moving carpet
soft, tender with such peaceful feeling
at that moment
one wondered whether war and conflict only started
when we start wearing clothes
[Photoshoot by Spencer Tunick]
Flinder Street Station, Melbourne City center
a winter morning, 2001
Dak-dak is one of my flatmate
an app 1 year old male cat
he has a handsome face
resembling those warrior in Avatar
that's why we have been calling him
Ah Fan "Dak" (Avatar)
as you can see
apart from being a handsome hunter
he loves getting very close to people like a child
holding him always melt my heart
eventhough he is getting
a little bit heavy lately
[domestic lives, a summer rainny late night, New Territory, 2011]
overlooking Victoria Harbour
[view from Yoga studio on 14th floor, Kowloon, June 2011]
always enjoy the early or late sunlight casting crispy golden edges on everything it touches, tenderly and beautiful.
how about you?